Mind of Christ

September 07, 2024 Rev. Michael Onyegbu

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We have gone down the slippery slope, and what we once cherished as a symbol and identity of our brotherhood and faith has suffered spiritual erosion and social abuse. Before our very eyes, pervasion and every kind of vices has infiltrated our camp and weakened the cord of unity that binds us, the consecration of holiness that guides us, and the fear of eternal judgement that checks us. 

If we are going to have any consolation in Christ, comfort of love, fellowship of the Spirit, affection and mercy as a community of faith, then we must mirror the life of Christ to our dying world. 

If we are to restore the kind of fellowship that the fathers of old exemplified, then there is an expected character and necessary discipline that we must carry about with us - the mind of Christ! 

If our fellowship will be of the spirit where genuine love exudes and infiltration of everything evil is dealt with then we must be like-minded, have the same love, be of one accord, and of one mind.

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