Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke Season 1 Episode 2

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The story of the floating ax-head attests to the Biblical truth in Lk. 1:37, that “With God nothing shall be impossible.” It remains a mystery how iron can be made to float with just a stick. Our God indeed is the Almighty, the All Powerful and ever Dependable.

While it is true that many have lost a lot due to Corona virus Pandemic, we are assured of recovery from this passage and encouraged. You will surely recover in Jesus' Name. Your recovery may look impossible to the natural mind, but if you will trust God and follow the instructions in this passage, you will surely recover whatever you have lost in Jesus' Name.

A.   Definition

Axe Head = “A cutting tool that consists of a heavy edged head fixed to a handle with the edge parallel to the handle and that is used especially for felling trees and chopping and splitting wood.”

Your axe head = Your spiritual gift.

= Your weapon

= Your tool.

= What gives you a cutting edge.

= What makes you sharp and effective

= Your means of livelihood, 

= Etc

B.   Requirements for the recovery of Your Lost Ground:

1.    You need to be discontent with your present situation- V.1.

The truth of life is that, it can always be better. No matter the height attained or the situation you find yourself in life, it can always be better. So many people have not been blessed or blessed the more because they are soon-satisfied.

Some others have accepted where life has placed them as their fate. They never think it could be better than it is with them.

The company of the prophets became dissatisfied with their living condition and requested for something better from their Master. This was the beginning of their miracle. Until you are dissatisfied with your present condition, you will never see the need to recover the lost ground in your life. You will just be managing - patching and patching life, when God is ready to give you something better.

2.    You need initiative - V.1.

The idea of building a bigger meeting place came from the sons of the prophets. They initiated it. We all must be full of initiative at this time.

We should not wait for people to push us around. This is time to initiate the process of recovering your lost ground (ax-head).

3.   You need a vision - V.1-2.

The next thing you need is vision. Vision is the revelation of a preferred future.

Personal vision is required for the recovery of your lost ground. Collective vision is required for the recovery of the lost ground in our Organization. The company of the Prophets had a collective vision.

They were not just dissatisfied with their state, they had a clear vision of what they wanted and pursued it. What is your post-Covid vision?

If you don’t have any vision to run with after Covid 19, you can be sure you will recover nothing.

4.  You need a team spirit/work - V.1-2.

Recovery of some lost ground will not be accomplished by your singular effort.

Recovery of a God-sized vision would require both team spirit and team work.

The company of the prophets had both and were divinely helped to fulfill their vision.

5.   You need the spirit of agreement - V.1-2.

The necessity of agreement in recovering lost ground especially in a group setting can never be over emphasized. A house divided against itself cannot stand says the Lord – Lk 11:17 But one shall chase a thousand and ... two, ten thousand – Deut. 32:30.  The company of the prophets were in agreement with respect to their vision, strategy, etc. They were all headed in the same direction.