Recovering Our Lost Ground; Breaking The Siege

Rev. Michael Onyegbu Season 1 Episode 4

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As we continue to trust God to recover our lost ground, it is important for us to consider the miraculous recovery God granted Samaria when they were besieged by the Army of Aram. 3 Major features in 2 Kings 6:24-31 characterized the season before their miraculous recovery:

  1. Samaria was locked in, just like a great part of our world is on a lockdown.

-          Every attempt to go out to make a living was denied them. They were hedged in on all sides and refused every opportunity to break forth. They were besieged by the whole army of the Arameans. No one was coming in or going out. A total lockdown!

-          They could not travel from their country to another country, all international engagements, conferences and meetings cancelled. Their economy was grounded and everyone was hopelessly left to ultimately die of starvation.

  1. The king was hopeless, helpless and hapless, just like our leaders are clueless.

-          Even when the woman demanded help from the king, he shouted back, ‘how can I help you if the LORD does not help you?’. He was particularly disturbed that the threshing floor (grain) and the wine-press (wine) had nothing to offer.

-          I can imagine the moment of respite the woman must have felt, when the king walked by, she must have said to herself- thank God, redemption has finally come. Painfully, the man she thought was a redeemer, himself needed redemption.

  1. The people started eating their children,...

-          The level of hunger was unimaginably unexplainable. I cannot imagine what level of deprivation can bring a man to a point of mortgaging the destinies of his children, just to keep hopes alive. Unfortunately, this was the case of these women. They needed to be alive and the way out was to kill their children and eat them.

-          I don’t know what represents ‘eating the children’ in your life? Maybe you have started selling your property or about to, losing your property by making distress sales. What was meant to be an inheritance and outlive you- you now eat it. Things you cherished have now become the exact opposite for you, I declare, that siege shall be broken and you will recover your lost ground.

-          Ask me, how did it taste, as they ate the child? It must have been the worst days of their lives.

If we must BREAK THIS SIEGE and RECOVER OUR LOST GROUND, what must we do?

  1. The Principle of The Word of God verse 1

Ref: Genesis 1:1-3, Psalm 30:5, 107:20, 118:17, Isaiah 3:10, Ezekiel 37:1-10