Breaking New Grounds

Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke Season 1 Episode 1

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The Almighty God has been merciful to us. Against all odds, He has led us thus far in the long dark days of this year. The Lord has preserved our lives, provided for us, strengthened and blessed us despite the challenges around. May His great name be exalted.

As we press on in our journey of life this year, the Lord is assuring us of not just recovering all our lost grounds, but is also going to help us break the new grounds He has promised us. It is my prayer that you will trust the Lord to do this in your life and family. May we also break new grounds as a church in the rest of this year despite the Corona Pandemic slowdown.

From our text, the following are required to break new grounds:

1.     The Right and of God - V.1-3.

The right hand of God guarantees divine help, divine protection, divine favours, divine strengthening, divine encouragements, divine blessing, divine power; etc.

May the Lord renew His right hand on your life in Jesus' name.

2.       The Arm of God - V.3; Deut. 33:26-29.

The Arm of the Lord is symbolic of God’s mighty strength to uphold, carry and sustain.

3.       The Light of God’s face - V.3.

This refers to the two-sided dimension of God’s favour. To one group, it is an experience of God’s uncommon favour.

To the other group it is a blinding and judging experience (MSG).

4.       The Love of God - V.3;

The Love of God is sweet.

The love of God is enduring; it is everlasting.

God’s love is beyond human comprehension.

It is the kind of love that transforms a sinner to a saint.

It is the kind of love that turns a rebel to a redeemed child of God.

5.       Submission to the Lordship of Christ - V.4.

The path of submission to God opens you to enjoy the very best of God.

You may not be able to go too far in life until you submit yourself to the Almighty God.

6.    Readiness to fight the good fight - V.5

Believers in Jesus Christ are engaged in the good fight.

What makes this fight good is because Jesus Christ has already won the victory for us on the cross at Calvary.

He has made us more than conquerors - Rom. 8:37.

He has made us over-comers - I Jn. 4:4; 5:4.

7.   Total dependence on God - V.6-7.

The time we live in calls for total dependence on the Lord.

Without that, all you think you have gathered over the years may just fizzle away before your eyes.

To break new grounds in the post Covid period, you need to depend on the Lord totally or else you may be disappointed - Prov. 3:5-6.

As we enter this uncertain times, I want you to be encouraged by the word of the Lord. Against all odds, you will break new grounds for the Lord. You will enter your promised land. You will eat the good of the land. God will displace nations for your sake. You will fulfil purpose in Jesus' Name.