The Promised Glory

Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke Season 1 Episode 1

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Our God is a promise Maker and a promise Keeper. He never lies to any man. He keeps everyone of His promise. We can all attest to the truth that all God said was going to happen this year are already happening. If He said to us that “...darkness will cover the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples” and it is currently happening, then we should believe Him to show us His glory as well.

We have actually experienced His glory in a measure as promised in Isa. 60:1b & 2b. This explains why nothing is missing in our camp. I encourage us to remain under the glory cloud. I am only praying that none of us who have seen the Corona darkness ravaging the world will miss out on the Glory of God that is about to break forth on us this second part of the year!

I pray that there will be no other “darkness” again the second half of the year, in Jesus’ Name.

A. The Certainty of the Coming Glory

1.       The reason why Christ came - Rom.3:23.

·            Adam lost the glory in Adam and became naked.

·            Every sinner is naked until they give their lives to Christ.

·            That is why the first thing God gives to a man when he gives is life to Christ is a garment, popularly called in scripture the garment of righteousness.

·            So, Adam lost the glory in Eden, but Christ came to restore it at the cross!

·            If you want to experience the glory of God during this season, give your life to Christ and continue to abide in Him - Jn. 15:4

2.    The revelation of the indwelling Christ - Col. 1:28.

·        Christ is in every believer!

·        This happened at conversion; when we invited him into our lives as savior and Lord.

·        A revelation of the indwelling Christ is however required for every believer to enjoy the benefits of our redemption in Christ.

·        That Christ is in you means a lot!

·        Who is Christ? The Anointed One; the Savior; the Healer; the Baptizer in the Holy Spirit; the Miracle Worker; the Resurrection and the Life; the Light of the World; the teacher; the Helper; God Incarnate! Wow!

·        May the Lord grant you a revelation of the indwelling Christ!

·        Christ in me, the hope of Glory!