I Want to Be A Christian

Rev. Dr. Abayomi Lawal

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WHAT EVERY CHRISTIAN MUST POSSESSThere is a misconception about who a Christian is in our world today. Some believe that they were born a Christian because their parents are Christians. Some claim that they are Christians because they have been baptized and are partaking in the Lord’s Supper in any church they go for worship. Some even think that the moment they stepped foot in a church building, they automatically become Christians.The label “Christian” was first used in Antioch when the unbelievers saw the followers of Christ living a different life-style that was worth emulation. The meaning of “Christian” is “little Christ” or “one who lives a noble, good and Christ-like life.” It will be rightly used to describe a believer in Christ who is truly living a life patterned after Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord.There are 3 essential virtues that Christ has called us to possess if we are truly determined to be like Him. These are:1.A life of sacrifice: Luke 9:232.A life of humility: Matthew 11:28-303.A life of obedience: Philippians 2:8As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, let us bear in mind that our celebration can only have meaning and be blessed by God only if we are determined to be His true ambassadors in the world (2 Corinthians 5:20).