God's Purpose for Our Jubilee

January 29, 2017 Rev. Olufemi Babalola

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MISSIONSToday, we take some time to focus on something that I believe is at the very core, or heartbeat of God, and it is Missions. Without any doubt in my mind, I believe that Missions is something God loves, and His stamp of approval is all over it! You see, I believe that before we can ever give our prayerful and financial support to something, we must first believe in it’s importance and value, and in the church, we must believe in it’s Biblical importance and value. As Christians, we have the mandate to propagate the gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We see the Mandate clearly spelt out by Jesus Christ Himself, just after His Resurrection, and a few days before He ascended to Heaven in Matthew 28:18-20.For Missions to ever become important to us, we must ask the Holy Spirit to somehow open our eyes and heart to the immediacy of the need! The Bible says in John 4:35 “Do you not say, ’Four months more and then the harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” The need is NOW!Jesus never asked us to “keep His good news to ourselves”, but to do our best until the whole world has heard the Good News that a Savior has come to bring not only life for the now, but also life for the hereafter! May God help us all in Jesus name. Amen.