Glory Carriers: The Case Study of Apostle Peter

Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke Season 1 Episode 8

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Apostle Peter is another example of a glory carrier.

From an ordinary, unlearned, unschooled, “raw” fisherman, Peter became a foremost Apostle.

Peter’s ministry legacy remains outstanding even several thousand of years after his passing into eternity.

Scripture reveals that Peter contacted the glory on two vivid occasions viz. On the Mount of Transfiguration, and on the day of Pentecost - Matt. 17:1-9; (2 Peter 1:16-18); Acts 2:1-4, 11.

Till His death, the Spirit of glory and of God rested on him. He died as a Martyr between AD 64 and 68. Amongst others, the following additional features can be observed about glory carriers.

  1. They are Collaborators - V.1; 2:14.

Glory carriers don’t operate in isolation.

They collaborate with others to achieve kingdom objectives.

Peter must have learnt this from the Lord. – Matt 17:1-10

Our Lord Jesus Christ did not operate in isolation.

It was always Peter and John – Acts 3:1

Or Peter with the eleven – Acts 2:14

  1. They are Committed to spiritual disciplines - V.1.

Spiritual disciplines in the Church are many.

Two notable ones we see Peter committing himself to in this passage are Temple worship and Prayer.

Despite Peter’s status, he does not miss church service - Heb. 10:25.

Despite his status, he would not miss a prayer meeting - V.1.

Spiritual disciplines are not just required to secure the glory,

they are highly essential to sustain it.

Many people pay great sacrifice in obtaining the glory, but later become lazy at sustaining it by omitting the price they earlier paid to obtain it.

  1. They are Compassionate - V.4

It was compassion that made Peter and John look in the direction of the beggar.

It was compassion that made them not see him as a burden or a distraction.

The compassion of Christ won’t let them just pass by this beggar.

How compassionate are you?

One major way to know that you carry the glory is how compassionate you are.

  1. They are Conscious of what they carry - V.2-6.

When you are not conscious of what you have, you would soon loose it. You won’t even know that you have lost it when it gets lost, because you were never conscious of it in the first instance.

Moses did not know that he carried the glory until he was told, and so, he covered it with a veil. That became a problem to the Jews until Christ came.- Ex. 34:29-35

Moses, perhaps forgot that he carried the glory when he erred at Meribah, and faced divine sanction – Numbers 20:6 ff

Peter and John were conscious that they had something.

See what they said in V.4-6.