Be an Evangelist for Christ.mp3

Rev. Dr. Abayomi Lawal

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Every Christian is expected to be an evangelist. If we are not making any effort to witness for Christ, we need to check our relationship with God. You cannot love God as you are supposed to and still be ashamed to proclaim His love to other people. In Matt. 28:19, every believer is commanded to go make more disciples.Interestingly, many of us Baptists believe in the “Priesthood of all believers” but we only claim to be when it is convenient. However, you do not have to be a preacher by profession in order to be a “reacher” of others who are lost in sin. Just open up to the Holy Spirit to direct you to someone He has prepared to hear the gospel message. Rather than sit down and be judgmental about the non-Christians going to hell fire, do all you can to save yourself from blood guilt (Ezekiel 3:18; 33:8). Whoever wants any human being to go to hell is worse than the Pharisees and Jesus said “except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:20).Be obedient to your Lord so as not to get disqualified before Him on the judgment day (Luke 9:26).