The Awaiting Glory

September 02, 2020 Rev. Michael Onyegbu Season 1 Episode 1

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The awaiting glory is for all those who are expectant of it. By expectant, we mean those who are prepared and working it out in faith. After every successful and faithful story of the experiences of our life journey, there is always a glory to show for it. Little wonder Moses demanded that God should show him His glory Exodus 33:18. My desire today is that the LORD will show us His glory as we look up to Him and bring an end to the somewhat torturous waiting so that men may see the glory of God after the story of our lives.

In Romans 8:19-25...



1.           PERSEVERANCE IN GODLY SUFFERING- Romans 8:18, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, 1 Peter 4:13-16; 5:1

-               Nothing is as discouraging as experiencing the delays and battling with life challenges- no one understands what you are going through when you are at the lonely moments of your life.

-               At the same time, nothing can be compared to the sweet joy that comes with the breakthrough after protracted suffering.

-               It’s like what a pregnant woman goes through. If she considers the pain of pregnancy and labour pain, she wouldn’t want to go through that process but when she remembers the life that is coming forth she endures the pain.

-               Job went through different levels of suffering but an amazing glory came afterwards.

Job lost all his children in one day

He lost all his means of living- cattle

He lost his wife

He plummeted from hero to zero- completely abandoned

His friends became a thorn in his flesh and constituted themselves as miserable comforters

He was deathly ill with painful sores all over his body

-               At the end of the story, he got double for all that he lost- Job 42:10


2.           BELIEVE GOD IMPLICITLY- Mark 5:36, 9:23, John 11:40

-               Today, again the LORD is pointing His finger on the matters of Martha and the corresponding attitude of Mary.

-               Martha exemplified disbelief and exhibited it by:

Literally walking out on Jesus v27

Telling Mary what may supposedly have been a lie v28

Discouraging Jesus to a point that He could not lift a foot and move an inch v30

Following her sister behind to further discourage Jesus v39

-               Jesus thought to finally end all this by literally shouting at her, ‘have I not told you’?

-               Have you ever pondered on the unusual faith of the Centurion? Matthew 8:7-11