Rev. Mrs Bosun Adegoyega

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The Bible says in Psalm 62:11 “Once God has spoken, twice have I heard, that power belongs to God.” In Hebrews 1:1, the Bible records it that “in the past, God spoke to our forefathers...” In this year 2018, God is speaking to us through His Holy Spirit, through His prophets and through the scripture. If you have been attending the Bible study and listening to the messages on Sundays, you will agree with me that the Lord has been actively speaking to us. As a reminder, God has spoken to us expressly this year in this assembly that this is “Our Year of Supernatural Help.” Many respectable men and women of God have said many things to their members about what the year has in store for them but for us as a congregation, the word of God through His servant is that help will also come to us. The messages and Bible studies from the book of Nehemiah have opened us to the wonders of God’s deeds through the man called Nehemiah who might not have been heard except for God’s hand and help which he enjoyed. This morning, the Lord is speaking to us from the meaning of the names of the two people mentioned in verse 1 of our text. The names are Hacaliah and Nehemiah. The name “Hacaliah” means “wait for Jehovah.” In the semantic culture, names have significance and are suggestive of many things such as Events surrounding the conception and birth of the person in question, The experiences of the parents, The expectation of the parents of the child God’s direct instructions to the parents of the child.It is possible that the parents of Hacaliah waited before they had him or they gave him that name as an instruction for him to always wait on God. One thing is clear from that name and that is, it pays to wait on God. The message to someone this morning is to wait on God. Whatever waiting on God means to you, wait for God. In Isaiah 40:31, the Bible assures us that “they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength....” That is the only way you can be supernaturally helped.The second name is “Nehemiah” which has been our focus in recent times. The name Nehemiah means “Jehovah Comforts” or “God will comfort.” Simply put, God is the only one that has the ultimate power to bring comfort and succour. The name Nehemiah is suggestive of many things-Hacaliah (the one who waits on Jehovah) and his wife may have gone through some unpleasant experience or experiences. So after waiting on the Lord, He, God, intervened and they declared “Jehovah comforts.” In Yoruba it means Oluwatumininu. Hausa, Ibo, Efik, Idoma etc can also interpret the name in their respective languages.When Jehovah God intervenes, He brings comfort. His move always brings comfort, so are His help and acts. That situation you are going through is a platform for you to experience supernatural help and comfort in your life. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 sheds more light on some reasons why you are going through that situation at the moment.1.God is saying what you are going through is a platform for you to experience His comfort- verse 42.God is saying that, that present experience in your life is a platform for you to learn how to comfort others. In other words, to learn how to minister comfort to others-v.4b. Nehemiah was in exile, yet he showed concern to others. Be a minister of comfort and learn to put a smile on people’s face. 3.God is saying that through that situation, you must trust in Christ for only in Him can comfort overflow- v.54.God is saying that what you are going through is a platform for you to develop the virtues of patience and perseverance- v.65.God is saying that in this year of Supernatural Help, you do not rely on yourself, but on Him-v.96.God is saying that you should trust Him to deliver and help you-v107.God is saying it is a platform to pray and experience mutual intercession-v11a.8.God is saying that the experience you are going through is to prepare y