My Father's House (Part 2)

February 18, 2018 Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke

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A Message Prepared and Delivered By Rev. Dr. 'Segun Adeleke, D.Min., on February 18, 2018, During Her Worship Service.Thank God for another opportunity we have to press on in our understanding of ‘’my Father's house.’’ We were pre-occupied for most part of the last weekend with discipleship in my Father's house. The essence is to remind us of what should be the priority in our Father's house.Never forget that all that God wants from you and I is to be conformed to the image of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are to grow daily to become like Jesus Christ.Our concern today is on your responsibilities in our Father's house. May the Lord by His Holy Spirit show you why you are in this church and not somewhere else. May He open your eyes to see what you should be doing for Him in Ikoyi Baptist Church.My Responsibilities in My Father's House include:1. To Pray for my Father's House - Matt. 21:13Prayer is the life-wire of a local church.Prayer is the strength and power of a local church.A prayer-less church is a powerless church.A prayer-less church is a dangerous church.A prayer-less church is a safe haven for robbers.All kinds of atrocities happen in a prayer-less church.IBC will not be a prayer-less church IJN.You will not be a prayer-less Christian IJN.2. To Ensure the of my Father's House - Isa. 52:11; Num. 5:1-5; Deut. 23:9-14.Another responsibility we all have to our Father's House is to ensure her purity.Sin and all kinds of impurity drive away the presence of the Almighty God.Holiness is what God adorn His house with - Psa.93:5.Holiness is still the standard of God for our generation.Be Ye holy as I am holy says the great Apostle Peter in 1 Pet. 1:15.Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord - Heb. 12:14.The church is not a place to do evil.God will not spare you for defiling His house.Be careful how you behave in the church.Don't litter the house of God - use the bin that is placed around the church.3. To pursue the interests of my Father's House – Jn. 2:13-17.How passionate are you about your Father's house?Our Lord Jesus Christ displayed unparalleled passion for His Father's house."Zeal for my Father's House has consumed me" – Jn. 2:17He whipped evil men out of His Father's house. He passionately talked about His Father's house - Jn. 14:1. When last did you talk about this house to your friends?4. To the Reputation of my Father's House – Isa. 62:1-4Nothing kills an organization faster than bad reputation.Please don't give this church a bad reputation.And if you are suffering from a bad reputation may the Lord grant you deliverance IJN.5. To in the Work in my Father's House – Neh. 2:17; 1 Cor. 15:57.There is so much work to do in my Father's House.All hands should therefore be on deck.What are you doing in your Father's house?Which work are you doing in this church?You can do something; I mean something positive.You are talented! You are gifted! You are very resourceful!Participate in the work in your Father's house!Forget about past discouragements from the Samballats’ and the Tobiahs’This is your Father's house! Insist on participating.We are ready to create new ministries, if need be, to take care of diverse giftings and talents the Lord has blessed us with as a church. E.g. Life Leadership Academy (an Equipping Ministry of Emerging Leaders); Gold Leadership Institute (a Training Arm of the Church) etc.6. To for the work in my Father's House – Mal. 3:10; 1 Chr. 29:2-5. The needs in my Father's house are enormous.We need much money to carry out the ministries of this church.We need money to: pay salaries of staff and pastors at home and on the field; buy diesel; fuel our vehicles; handle welfare matters, missions, publications, maintenance, honorariums, etc.The