Don't Give Up

December 06, 2020 Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke Season 1 Episode 1

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The year 2020 has been quite eventful.

Despite the numerous challenges we have gone through this year, we still have every cause to celebrate God’s goodness and mercies.

Meanwhile, due to the challenges of the year 2020, many of us may have become weary in our faith. Worse still, as some of us take stock of the year, we may begin to wonder what we have really achieved. The outcome of such stock taking could not only be worrisome, but could be very depressing for some.

Consequently, many may have lost hope, not just in themselves, but in God. Some may have given up, not expecting anything good to happen to them in the rest of this year. Some may even be contemplating suicide now!

The Lord has however sent me to tell such people this morning, not to give up! God is still in charge and He has the final say! God can still do a lot for you in the 24 days left in 2020. So, thus saith the Lord: "don’t give up!"


1.            Don’t give up your love and devotion to God - V.5-10.

The story of Zechariah and Elizabeth is quite inspiring and challenging.

It is a challenge to couples in all generations.

This couple truly loved the Lord and were genuinely devoted to serving Him - V.5-10.

They were described as “upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commandments and regulations blamelessly.”

For reasons beyond human explanation, Zechariah and Elizabeth were childless.

Yet, they did not stop serving the Lord.

The "but"(need) in their lives was not a sufficient reason to stop serving the Lord.

Their persistence, consistence, faithfulness and commitment to kingdom service finally paid off.

The Lord remembered and visited them. He answered their prayers and gave them a lifetime miracle.

Please, don’t give up on God.

Keep loving Jesus.

Keep serving the Lord.

He will come for you one of these days - Lk.13:10-13.