Kingdom Builders

Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke

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The rebuilding of the broken walls of Jerusalem was a daunting task. There was no way Nehemiah could have succeeded in the rebuilding process without the support of the builder listed in the Chapter Three of the book of Nehemiah. God is searching for men and women that He can use to build His house in our generation. May the Lord make you and I kingdom builders and use us for His presence and glory in Jesus Name1.Who is a Kingdom Builder?2.What are some of the inspirations and lessons that we can learn from Nehemiah 3: 1- 32?•God will always provide for Himself men and women He would use to accomplish His work – Nehemiah 3:1•The challenge of record keeping and attention to details – Nehemiah 3:1, 5, 13•The challenge of exemplary leadership – Nehemiah 3:1•The lesson on cooperation and team work – Nehemiah 3: 2-5•Most kingdom builders are often not popular. How many of the names mentioned in this chapter were known before this point in the scripture?•That every input we make into the work of God is recorded by God- Nehemiah 3:5, 19, 21, 24, etc.•“Another section”.•Etc.3.What other inspirations and lessons have you gained from Nehemiah 3?The body of Christ, as well as our local church is in urgent need of kingdom builders. Such are the ones that God would use to build His house before Christ’s Second Advent. May the Lord count on you and I in this regard. The Lord is inviting you to be a kingdom builder. Will you accept this invitation? May you make yourself available for His use today and the rest of your life in Jesus Name. Amen