The Book Of Daniel (Part 1)

Rev. Dr. Olusegun Adeleke Season 1 Episode 1

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The book of Daniel is the 27th book in the Old Testament. It is classified among the Minor Prophets. No doubt, the Lord in His mercy has prepared a table before us from this book in 2021. It is my prayer that none of us will miss his or her portion in Jesus’ Name. This thus challenges each of us to take this book (and the entire scripture) seriously in the coming year. We must endeavor to hear it, read it, memorize it; meditate on it and obey it. May the Lord help us as we do these in Jesus Name.

1.         Authorship

•           Internal evidence attests to Daniel’s authorship. The Lord Jesus Christ agreed with this position when he quoted from Daniel 9:27; 11:31; and 12:11.

•           Daniel was of the tribe of Judah and possibly a descendant of the royal Davidic family - Dan. 1:3-6. His Jewish name is Daniel and it means God is my judge. He was given a Babylonian name, Belteshazzar, meaning “protect his life.”

•           He was born around 620 BC. He was taken into Babylonian captivity at the age of 15 by Nebuchadnezzar alongside 10,000 captives around 605 BC. Daniel spent the rest of his life in captivity and possibly died at the age of 85 to 90 years. This was sometime after the release of the first set of exiles by the Medes and Persians in 536 BC.

•           Daniel lived and served during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, Darius and Cyrus.

•           Daniel’s life and service in Babylon is a great lesson to teenagers, government officials and all Christians in general. That we all should be people with convictions and that, “wherever life takes us, whatever it brings, however difficult our problems, we must remain faithful to God.”

•           Can you imagine  the outcome if all Christians would live like Daniel at home, school, workplace, church, etc.?