Rev. Adekunle Oyeniyi

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The year has just begun but a lot has been achieved so far in His house. We thank the Lord for the opportunity to come before Him in repentance and for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s power during the week of fasting and prayer, along with the admonition to sustain the Holy Spirit’s fire, last Sunday. We pray that the Lord will continually grant us grace to sustain the fire.

While we are encouraged to continue to fan into flame the gift of God already released on us (2 Timothy 1:6), it is critical to note that supernatural power is an offshoot of divine revelation-Zechariah 1:7-17; 4:6-7.


1. What is Revelation?

     The making known of something that was previously secret or unknown.

     It is a disclosure, declaration, utterance, announcement e.t.c

     Greek: ‘Apokalupsis’, ‘Apocalypse-unveiling, a disclosure of truth, manifestation,  

     to reveal the future e.t.c

2. What is Divine Revelation?

     A supernatural communication from God to man, either in oral or written forms-     

     Deut.29:29; Hebrews 1:1-2; John 1:1, 14.



“The Word of the LORD came”-Zechariah 1:1, 7

“This is the Word of the LORD”- Zechariah 4:6

“This is what the LORD Almighty says”-Zechariah 1:3, 4, 14, 16, 17

“The LORD spoke” (v.13)

A life that will enjoy supernatural power will not operate by human imagination but by divine revelation. God does everything by revelation-Amos 3:7

2019 is a year of “what the Lord says”. This year, we will not function by human opinion but by divine revelation. May the Lord help us to align with His revelation for our generation. 



1. It is Based on Divine Calendar- Zechariah 1:1, 7; Ezekiel 1:1-3; Luke 1:26

It is God that sets the date.

God created times and seasons. 

His revelation can never come at the wrong time-Ecclesiastes 3:11

The day a divine revelation is caught is the day of His visitation.

God will be revealing Himself uniquely in certain meetings, in specific months this year.

We must be available on the day of His revelation

We must act promptly on divine revelation.

May the Lord help you this year to be at the right place at the right time.

May the Lord help you and may the Lord help me not to miss out of divine revelation for this season.


2. It is Highly Customised (Zechariah 1:1,7; 4:6; Jeremiah 1:1-2)

God does not speak empty words- Isaiah 55:11; John 6:63 

God does not speak carelessly.

God speaks expressly and directly to either an individual or a community in order to achieve a divine purpose in a particular location.

There would be revelation for the entire house of IBC this year-Zechariah 1:3

There is already a prophecy customised for you in 2019.

As a child of God, there is a revelation that has your name tag on it. 

What has the LORD spoken to you personally this year?

What is the LORD saying to you now?

What is the LORD saying to your family?

What is the LORD saying to Ikoyi Baptist Church this year?


3. It is Experiential- Zechariah 1:8-14

Divine revelation is engaging.

It is not theor